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On December 9th 2021, a Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 was published in the Official Journal of the EU, supplementing the Taxonomy Regulation by establishing technical selection criteria, setting the conditions under which an economic activity qualifies as a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation or adaptation Leggi Documento Completo
  • Responsible investment
  • Private Capital
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The main topics: 1. Updates to the European Union Action Plan 2. ESMA Guideline on communication and marketing (foreign distribution of funds) 3. Mapping of climate risk (EBA research results) 4. New documentation on ESG integration for i private equity Read Full Document
  • Responsible investment
  • Private Capital
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The update of the sustainable European action plan takes place at three levels: 1. European climate taxonomy: which aims to support sustainable investments by declaring which economic activities contribute most to European objectives. 2. Proposal for CSRD, which will modify the current reporting requirements of the NFRD. 3. It will amend the delegated acts on sustainability preferences, the [...]
  • Responsible investment
  • Private Capital
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The document is based on two key directives that are part of the EU Green Deal, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) 2019/2088 and the EU Taxonomy 2020/852. The document is divided into two different sections: Section 1 presents an overview of the whole of the European ESG legislation relating to the EU Sustainable Action Plan. The section [...]